Java JPA @Enity define with columnDefinition
Define more meaning full tables with JPA @Entity with columnDefinition field of @Column annotation.
Using H2 DB with Spring Boot JPA Example
Spring boot example to using H2 DB with JPA. In this example I create one rest service with H2 DB.
CORS and It’Configurations in Spring Boot Rest Service
CORS configuration example in spring boot using spring security CorsConfigurationSource, UrlBasedCorsConfigurationSource and WebSecurityCustomizer .
Fixing Java HTTPS connection behind Internet proxy causes SSLHandshakeException
Resolving SSLHandshakeException in Java using KSE(KeyStireExplorere tool)
AWS Lambda Function URL, Create Web Apis without API Gateway
Nowadays microservices pattern is industry standard and there are many ways to create microservices. Container platforms like K8S, AWS Farget, and many others are used to deploy microservices, apart from these Functions as service is another way to create microservices using API gateways. On AWS one can develop APIs using AWS Lambda and API gateway…
RabbitMQ process Messages in Order Using Spring Boot
Learn how to process messages in order using Spring boot with RabbitMQ broker.
Fixing Gradle Malformed Input Around Byte Error
Learn how to fix Gradle Malformed Input Around Byte Error.
RabbitMQ Hands-on Tutorial with Springboot
RabbitMQ is one of the most widely used open source message broker. This can be deployed on almost every moderns platforms and support various protocols.
Different ways to invoke shell commands in Java
Learn how to invoke sell command using Java.
Spring Boot Flyway DB Migration Integration Example
Learn how to use Flyway db migration toll with spring boot projects.